Relationship Council

For married couples and families who want to reignite steady conscious love, and deep intimacy.

A 6-week journey to become an unstoppable team, and experience freedom in your relationship.

What People Say

Transform your relationship to conscious love and intimacy in just 8 weeks.

Embodied Relationship Council (ERC) is a transformative journey guided by Braedy Mac, using the power and art of facilitation with my years of embodiment + human behaviour experience. Together, we will courageously claim your ideal family life and create a relationship that aligns with your deepest desires and pleasures.

Drawing from over 3,000 hours of facilitation experience, Braedy has crafted ERC specifically for devoted individuals who are in partnership and want to finally settle into the expansive conscious love they’ve always desired.

ERC is for you if...

  • You are in a tough place in your relationship and you know things need to be shaken up or seriously looked at.

  • You know deep down that your relationship has untapped love and intimate connection. While your friends and family may see you getting along fine,, you sense that there is a treasure in the midst of your connection that you want to share openly. You are ready to be the example for your friends and family.

  • You want your relationship to not just “work” but be a vehicle for love, play, excitement and true union. You recognize that by raising your consciousness you will stop blaming others, making excuses, or avoiding uncomfortable truths and other behaviors that leave you disempowered. You are willing to face and embrace all aspects of your self and love life.

  • You value not only understanding love, but truly living and embodying radiant love and connection. You are prepared to step out of your comfort zone and take bold actions aligned with your heart's true calling. You are willing to face challenges and embrace growth with faith and passion.

  • You are fully committed to conscious love, your self-expression + potential in relational ease and depth. You actually want to expand for the future of your love life and family life. You are ready to become a conscious and devotional lover filled with intention and purpose.

  • You are ready to make a real investment in your family and relationships. You understand that your relationship needs to evolve over time to prevent stagnation and promote growth. You are committed to your relationship and know that you are in charge of it’s success.

In the Embodied Relationship Council (ERC), I have developed a powerful relationship coaching program consisting of 6 transformative steps. Through this process, I will guide you and your partner to:


Ignite a transformative journey within your relationship and unlock the potential for deep intimacy and conscious love.


Embrace the opportunity to face challenges and obstacles that have been holding you and your partner back, and emerge stronger, more resilient, and fulfilled.


Liberate yourselves from the limitations of societal norms and expectations, and discover the freedom to be your authentic selves in a loving and supportive partnership.


Craft a life together that aligns with your shared values, aspirations, and dreams, creating a foundation of love, harmony, and purpose.


Thrive as a couple, leading with clarity, confidence, and strength, as you navigate the complexities of life and inspire others with your profound connection and conscious love.

The 6-step Path for Couples and Families

Embark on a profound and personalized journey that will reignite the spark in your relationship or family dynamics, allowing you to create a new chapter filled with love, connection, and growth.

What sets this program apart is its ability to adapt to your unique circumstances and challenges. While we provide a structured framework, it is designed to cater to the specific needs of couples and families who have been together for a while. Our approach evolves with your journey, ensuring that each participant receives the individualized support required to strengthen and transform your bond.

Step 1:
True Repair, Safety & Intentions

Addressing conflicts constructively is vital for maintaining intimacy. This step involves learning and practicing effective conflict resolution skills, such as active listening, expressing needs and concerns calmly, and finding compromises. It also requires avoiding criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling, which can erode the connection. By managing conflicts with respect and empathy, you can preserve intimacy and strengthen the bond.

Step 3:
Nurturing Fondness and Admiration

Cultivating a positive perspective of your partner is vital for fostering intimacy. This step involves expressing appreciation, admiration, and affection toward each other. Regularly sharing compliments, acts of kindness, and showing genuine interest in your partner's accomplishments help to build a strong foundation of fondness and admiration.

Step 2:
Building Love Maps

The first step in creating deep intimacy and conscious love is to develop a comprehensive understanding of your partner's world. This involves continually updating your "Love Maps" by being curious about their inner world, interests, dreams, and fears. By asking open-ended questions and actively listening, you can strengthen your knowledge and connection with your partner.

Step 4:
Intimacy and Vulnerability

Creating deep intimacy requires embracing vulnerability and fostering physical and emotional closeness. This step involves nurturing physical affection, such as holding hands, hugging, and engaging in intimate moments. It also entails sharing personal stories, dreams, and fears, allowing each partner to be seen and accepted without judgment. By being vulnerable with one another, couples can build a strong foundation of trust and closeness.

Step 6:

Continued Growth and Exploration

Deepening intimacy and conscious love is an ongoing process. The final step involves a commitment to continued growth and exploration as individuals and as a couple. This includes embracing personal development, seeking new experiences together, and continually nurturing the relationship. It may involve attending workshops or counselling, practicing self-care, and prioritizing quality time together. By continuously investing in the relationship, couples can sustain and deepen their connection over time.

Step 5:
Creating Shared Meaning

Developing a shared sense of purpose and meaning is essential for conscious love. This step involves exploring and aligning your values, goals, and visions as a couple. It requires nurturing rituals of connection, shared activities, and creating a narrative of your relationship's story. By co-creating a meaningful life together, you deepen your emotional connection and foster conscious love.

“Hi, it's Braedy here, and let me tell you something real…

We've walked a similar path, and I certainly understand that no relationship is perfect. In fact, perfection isn’t the goal here. Goals have a finish line, but relationships are kind of like playing music, or dancing they are something you “play” and “engage” in, not something you simply do. Can you imagine “doing” music or dancing? Kinda defeats the purpose…

Of course, sharing parts of your heart with another is kinda like dancing in front of another, it’s vulnerable! But, I promise, with a little practice, and just the right teacher, we can have you cutting up a rug instead of looking like you have two left feet.

When you truly tap into your heart’s truth, you have an artist, and a dancer in you. Now it’s time you have a great dance partner too.”

Embodied relationship council is here to light that spark and guide you on a journey of deep intimacy and conscious love like no other.

It's time to unleash your passion, embrace your authenticity, and step into a relationship that's fully aligned with your core values and desires.

So, are you ready to tap into that unshakeable connection between the two of you? Let's do this together in the Embodied Relationship Council.

Are you ready to unlock the conscious love & deep intimacy you’ve always dreamed of?

Marriage can be easy.

*For application, you must schedule an introduction call. This call is crucial for both of us to determine if the program is the right fit for you.* With a commitment of 6 weeks and an investment, you'll have the opportunity to begin this journey at a massively discounted rate while it’s in beta version.

In this 6-week program you’ll receive:

A unique opportunity to work with me & your partner in a very intimate way. Expect to go deeper, to open further, and to experience intimacy in a way like never before.

Two - On - One Coaching ( 6x 90 mins )

Through our unique two-on-one coaching format, you will receive a powerful blend of teachings, thought-provoking discussions, transformative exercises, and profound deep work for couples. Together, we will create a safe and nurturing space where you can authentically express yourselves, open up, and explore the depths of your relationship.

  • Personalized Attention: With the focus solely on you and your partner, our two-on-one coaching ensures that your unique needs, challenges, and goals are at the forefront. You will receive personalized attention and guidance tailored specifically to your relationship dynamics, allowing for a more impactful coaching experience.

  • Deeper Exploration: The intimate setting of two-on-one coaching creates a safe and nurturing space for you and your partner to authentically express yourselves. You will have the opportunity to dive deep into your individual stories, relationship patterns, and emotional landscapes. Through thought-provoking discussions and transformative exercises, you will uncover hidden dynamics, gain new insights, and explore the depths of your connection like never before.

  • Enhanced Communication: Effective communication is the cornerstone of a thriving relationship. In the two-on-one coaching setting, you and your partner will learn valuable tools and techniques to improve your communication skills. You will develop a deeper understanding of each other's needs, emotions, and perspectives, leading to more meaningful and authentic conversations. As a result, you will strengthen your emotional bond and cultivate a greater sense of intimacy.

  • Conflict Resolution: Every relationship encounters challenges and conflicts. Our two-on-one coaching provides a supportive environment for navigating these difficult moments. You will learn constructive approaches to conflict resolution, including active listening, empathy, and finding win-win solutions. By developing these skills together, you will be better equipped to resolve conflicts with respect, understanding, and a shared commitment to growth.

  • Transformational Growth: The combination of teachings, exercises, and deep work in two-on-one coaching facilitates profound personal and relational growth. You and your partner will embark on a transformative journey that fosters self-awareness, emotional healing, and expanded consciousness. By addressing limiting beliefs, old patterns, and emotional wounds, you can create a solid foundation for conscious love, deep connection, and lasting fulfillment.

2 x private coaching sessions

As part of the ERC program, you and your partner will each receive two individual and highly personalized 1-on-1 90-min private coaching sessions.

These sessions are designed to be a confidential and supportive space to share your thoughts, emotions, reflections and aspirations. You will then receive the personalized support necessary to unlock your full potential in your relationship and create a deeply fulfilling and conscious love connection.


As a participant in the ERC program, you will receive a comprehensive workbook. This invaluable resource introduces key topics related to cultivating partnership, enhancing communication, expressing appreciation, creating shared experiences, emotional vulnerability, cultivating physical intimacy, and deepening intimate connections.

Inside, you will find powerful insights, solo reflections, and partner practices to enhance your learning experience and support your unifiying journey.

It serves as a guide, empowering you to integrate the principles of deep intimacy, conscious love, and unified family life.

Community Support.

During the program, you gain access to a private and exclusive Facebook group, where you can connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. This group serves as a space for ongoing support, allowing you to share your insights, ask questions, and receive guidance from both the group members and myself. The Facebook group offers a dynamic platform where you can engage in meaningful discussions, learn from other's experiences, and receive timely responses to your inquiries, enhancing your transformative journey.

Why wait any longer?

*For application, you must schedule an introduction call. This call is crucial for both of us to determine if the program is the right fit for you.*
With a commitment of 6 weeks and an investment, you'll have the opportunity to begin this journey at a massively discounted rate while it’s in beta version.